Military On The Move Program

Beiser Realty is proud to support our nation’s military heroes. We are affiliates of U.S. Military on the Move—a rebate program by Leading Real Estate Companies of the World® (LeadingRE). This program gives cash rebates to active-duty and veteran military members on the purchases and sales of homes. This is an incredible opportunity that can translate into major savings for veterans.

What Is U.S. Military On The Move?

U.S. Military on the Move (MOM) works with local area experts (that’s us) to give back to military members. The U.S. MOM program offers cash rebates or credit to eligible service members on home sales or purchases. To give you an idea of what this rebate could be for your home, a $100,000 home purchase yields an estimated rebate of $500.

The purpose of the program is to aid military members to find the perfect homes to purchase or to sell their homes with help from local experts. Simply sign up with U.S. Military on the Move by filling in your full name, email address, phone number, and military service details. You’ll know right away if you qualify for the military rebate and other specialized services. Select Winneconne or Oshkosh as your base if you are looking to buy or sell within the Fox Cities and beyond. LeadingRE is the only company that will use your information when you sign up.

Beiser Realty + U.S. MOM = Exceptional Military Real Estate Services

If you qualify for the U.S. MOM program, you and your family will hear from an experienced Beiser Realty agent shortly. Your agent will guide you through the rest of the process, helping you purchase your perfect home in a desired global location or sell your current house. No matter what type of real estate services you need, our agents can help. Once you settle on the best type of service for you, you may receive a rebate or credit on the purchase or sale price of the home. You can use this money however you wish!

Military members and veterans receive the very best service through Beiser Realty. As an affiliate of the prestigious LeadingRE, we’ve been hand selected for our top-notch client care. You can rest assured that applying for the U.S. Military on the Move Program will garner the very best real estate services available. It’s one of the easiest ways to get the most out of your experience as a service member. Get started by registering today!



Andy Beiser

+1(920) 744-3399

Broker Associate | License ID: 52461-90

Broker Associate License ID: 52461-90


